Ugyen Tshering L

I take this as an opportunity to actualize my potential and exhibit my aptitude. For this 108 Cycle Review, I enjoyed doing revision as well as 108 cycle works. In our group, we made a booklet and please take a glimpse on it. Thanks.

Tandin Wangmo

The 108 cycle has taken me back to the memory lane and made me scratch my head so that I remember what I have learnt in the past learning cycle.

Sonam Wangchuk

This is a great opportunity for me to recall what we have learnt so far. Me and Kinley dorji made a computer model consisting lozay and tips for effective study. This will help you all to study. I really enjoyed this 108 cycle. thanks for your opportunity for making me share my thoughts.

Tashi Wangmo

It was great seeing other people explore different ways to express what they have learned rather than sticking to what we always do.

Jigme Choden

For me I personally feels like 108 Cycle is a great opportunity for all of us to introspect on what you have learned from 108 learning experiences. We had a tough time to come up with unique ways to potray what we have learned and finally we came up with different ways to show what we have learned. I have learned a lot from different creative writings where they have expressed their learnings. Happy Learning. Thank you.

Pema Choden

This time, I was able to think what I valued instead if just thinking of what I learnt or experienced. I valued my past events I lived and thus decided a design a shoe which represents my footprints I left. during this one and half day I acquired an abundance of time to reflect and use those reflections to surpass my tomorrow from yesterday.


108 cycle make us look back to our past and recall what we have been learning so far. It let us think about what we have done and how to change if it is wrong. And it is wonderful :)

Sonam TT

It gives us an opportunity to reflect on what we have done in the previous learning cycle. It helps us figure out our strengths and weaknesses (helps us to update our roadmap). It also give us an opportunity to demonstrate what we have learned in a different ways.

Phuntsho Wangmo

During the 108 cycle I enjoy seeing other works more than creating my own. It is because I think people get more ideas to share and show case their creativity. It is very effective in a way that enhance our recall skills along with our critical thinking skills and creativity. Through this we are able to see different ways to learn and explore. What makes me excited for this is different arts they make. A way that can always take you forward and never let you get bored.

Deki Wangmo

108 cycle review is a platform for all of us to share and show case what we have experienced and learnt in the past 108 learning experience through our creativity. For me it is also a time where I can spend my time with my mentor and co-mentees. I get to share my achievements as well as my problems with my mentor. Unlike other mentor mentee group we work on our 108 cycle review together on particular topic and through this we get to learn a lot.

Riwang Choki Tshering

I think 108 cycle is a platform to show what we have learned and experienced. It also help us with the way we think and our creativity.

Ugyen Lhamo

Personally, 108 cycle review is the platform where I can share my understandings and experiences in my past learning experiences. It also helps me in my recalling skills and I get to know more about the things that I don't know before. It is also time for us to show how creative we are. As a society we get to explore what other people learnt as well.

Kezang Dechen

During this 108 cycle review, I was able to recall and interpret what I have learned these past few weeks. And so did I worked on "What To Do When a Person Collapses" which was also a great opportunity for me to share this knowledges to other friends who haven't attended the NDA camping. I could see that other student also tried their best in showing what they have learned these past past few months and moreover, I liked the creativity they showcased.

kinley zangmo

I feel that 108 cycle is where we get to inspire ourselves to dream, where we can innovate and bring all those imaginations into life and moreover learn from each other. Overall all it was a great platform for all of us, so my massage to all would be "GO CHASE YOUR DREAMS!"

Kelzang Dorji

Learning how has always been my way of learning after coming to The Royal Academy. Instead of focusing on what did I learn? I got to reflect on how I learned? 108 cycle is a great way to express our learning as the name itself indicates very significant. Happy Learning!

Tashi Namgyel

It is a way to express what we have learned within the given period of learning cycle It was great seeing other people explore different ways to express what they have learned

Jigme Lhamo

Apart from the learning experiences for me it is the only platform for me to showcase what i have learnt in that particular learning cycle. It is also the time where we can see different perspective from different students and learn from them.

jampel Lhamo

It is the time when I can learn from my friends and share what I have learnt and what i did.I am also able to explore many things

Dorji Wangmo

I think it is the time to show what we are capable of and explore the thoughts of my friends. During 108 i am able to learn many things

jamyang choden

its in interesting platform to review ones learning.

Karma Yoezer

the significance of 108 has always passed me. Growing up we are always made to chant Om Mani Padme Hum 108 times. But I realize now that having been said to do these things i never even asked the meaning behind them. I think it is easy to ask why and to answer why. Its hard to fully explain the definition and its history